Please consider donating.
Your support helps us continue to serve the recovering alcoholic and their families
Would you like to make a donation in memory or in honor of someone?
Please reference the “in memory of” line in the form below.
Would you like to make an anonymous donation?
Please check the “anonymous” box in the form below.
The Alano House of SW Michigan is grateful to accept your donation.
The Alano House of SW Michigan is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible.
Donations are accepted via US Postal Service
Please download, print and complete the Donation form.
Mail to:
Alano House of SW Michigan/Donation
4162 Red Arrow Hwy.
Stevensville, MI. 49127
Mail In Donation Form
Thank you for donating to the Exterior Renovation of
The Alano House of Southwest Michigan
The Alano House of SW Michigan conveys humble gratitude and appreciation to each and every person as well as each company that donated to this renovation. Your direct support made this project possible. Finally, we recognize and are grateful to all who participated in the “hands on” piece of this project from the conception and organizational phase to it’s completion. Your service and dedication made a significant positive impact and the results demonstrate this.
We appreciate our community’s support.
Special thank you to The Berrien Community Foundation and The Upton Family
The Alano House of SW Michigan wishes to express heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the generous grants received from The Berrien Community Foundation and The Upton Family. The direct impact of these grants are profound. The building is now safer and many maintenance issues were resolved such as sealing the building and restoring rotting structural elements. The real value of these grants is rooted in service. The grants empower the Alano House of SW Michigan to fulfill it’s purpose – To provide a safe environment that supports recovery from alcoholism and serve the community.
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